发布于: 2025-2-11最后更新: 2025-2-13字数 6435阅读时长 17 分钟

Infini 正在重新定义数字金融的未来,成为下一代加密新银行。Infini 旨在吸引下一个 10 亿用户,它结合了行业领先的储蓄收益、高级加密卡和无缝的用户体验,创建了一个用户可以毫不费力地拥有、使用和赚取加密资产的生态系统。

使用邀请码:NBYKT36 限时优惠6.6USD开卡~

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💳Infini Card 

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About Infini Card 

Infini Card is a Visa®/Mastercard® prepaid debit card provided by Infini, providing users with a transparent and convenient payment solution. With Infini Card, users can make payments to global merchants directly using their stablecoin balance in their Infini account. Infini Card 是 Infini 提供的 Visa®/Mastercard® 预付借记卡,为用户提供透明便捷的支付解决方案。使用 Infini Card,用户可以直接使用其 Infini 账户中的稳定币余额向全球商家付款。

Advantages of the Infini CardInfini 卡的优势

  • No conversion fees for USD stablecoins to USD. 美元稳定币到美元的转换费用。
  • Automatically earns a yield on all Infini account balances. 自动获得所有 Infini 账户余额的收益。
  • Facilitates payments with global online and offline merchants. 促进与全球线上和线下商家的支付。
  • Can be added to Apple Pay and Google Pay. 可以添加到 Apple Pay 和 Google Pay。
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Applying for your Infini Card  申请您的 Infini 卡

  1. After logging into Infini, you will see an introduction to the Infini Card on the page. Simply click the 'Get It Now' button to apply for the Infini Card. 登录 Infini 后,您会在页面上看到 Infini Card 的介绍。只需点击“立即获取”按钮即可申请 Infini 卡。
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  1. Fill in the basic information, including your full name and phone number, to start applying for the Infini Card. 填写基本信息,包括您的全名和电话号码,以开始申请 Infini 卡。
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Please provide a valid and accurate name and phone number to avoid affecting your identity verification and account usage later on. 请提供有效且准确的姓名和电话号码,以免影响您日后的身份验证和账户使用。
  1. Choose the card you wish to use. Currently, Infini offers the Meow Card & Rabbit Card, and will soon provide the Woof Card to support different usage scenarios. For more information, please refer to the descriptions and pricing information for Infini Cards. 选择您要使用的卡。目前,Infini提供Meow Card和Rabbit Card,并将很快提供Woof卡以支持不同的使用场景。有关更多信息,请参阅 Infini 卡的描述定价信息
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  1. After selecting the card, pay the card activation fee to successfully activate an Infini Card with a total spending limit. 选卡后,支付卡激活费即可成功激活具有总消费限额的 Infini 卡。
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  • Before completing the KYC verification, your Infini Card's total paymemt limit is $500. If you wish to unlock this limit, please follow the steps below to complete the KYC verification. 在完成 KYC 验证之前,您的 Infini 卡的总支付限额为 500 美元。如果您想解锁此限制,请按照以下步骤完成 KYC 验证。
  • You can click the 'Finish My KYC' button at this step to fill out your KYC information and unlock your payment limits. 您可以在此步骤单击“完成我的 KYC”按钮来填写您的 KYC 信息并解锁您的付款限额。
  1. If you have not yet made a deposit into your Infini account, you will not be able to pay the card activation fee. At this point, you can click the 'Deposit and Pay' button to make a deposit and pay the card activation fee. 如果您尚未向您的 Infini 账户存款,您将无法支付卡激活费。此时,您可以点击 'Deposit and Pay' 按钮进行存款并支付卡激活费。

使用邀请码:NBYKT36 限时优惠6.6USD开卡~

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  1. After paying the activation fee, you will need to wait about 1 minute for your card to be automatically activated and displayed on your Dashboard page. 支付激活费后,您需要等待大约 1 分钟,以便您的卡自动激活并显示在您的 Dashboard 页面上。
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  1. On the Infini webpage, your card's current limit will be displayed. You can click on the limit number to enter the KYC verification process and unlock the limit. 在 Infini 网页上,将显示您卡的当前限制。您可以点击限制号进入 KYC 验证流程并解锁限制。
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  1. On the subsequent KYC page, fill in the required information to complete the KYC process and upload your identification image. Please note that you must agree to Infini's terms and conditions to proceed to the next step. 在随后的 KYC 页面上,填写所需信息以完成 KYC 流程并上传您的身份证明图片。请注意,您必须同意 Infini 的条款和条件才能进行下一步。
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  1. KYC verification will take a few minutes to complete, after which your card will have no total payment limit. If your KYC does not pass after 30 minutes, please contact our customer service. KYC 验证需要几分钟才能完成,之后您的卡将没有总付款限额。如果您的 KYC 在 30 分钟后仍未通过,请联系我们的客户服务。
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Set Spending Limits for the Infini Card  设置 Infini 卡的消费限额

After setting the limit, please note:设置限制后,请注意:
  • If a payment fails due to hitting the limit while using WeChat Pay, it may cause WeChat to flag your card as risky and lock your Infini Card. Therefore, please try to avoid triggering your set payment limit when using WeChat Pay. 如果在使用 WeChat Pay 时因达到限额而导致支付失败,可能会导致 WeChat 将您的卡标记为有风险并锁定您的 Infini 卡。因此,请在使用 WeChat Pay 时尽量避免触发您设置的支付限额。
  • If your Infini Card is locked by WeChat Pay or Alipay, please refer to this tutorial to apply for unlocking. 如果您的 Infini 卡被微信支付或支付宝锁定,请参考 此教程 申请解锁。
  1. After completing the KYC verification, if you wish to set a daily payment limit for your Infini Card, you can click the 'Unlimited' button on the 'My Card' section to configure it. 完成 KYC 验证后,如果您想为您的 Infini 卡设置每日支付限额,您可以单击“我的卡”部分的“无限”按钮进行配置。
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  1. In the subsequent pop-up window, you can manually enter or select the daily limit you wish to set. 在随后的弹出窗口中,您可以手动输入或选择要设置的每日限额。
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  1. After completing the limit setting, the daily payment limit you set will be updated on your Infini webpage. 完成限额设置后,您设置的每日付款限额将在您的 Infini 网页上更新。
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  • The limit calculation time is from 00:00 to 23:59 UTC 0 each day. 限制计算时间为每天 00:00 至 23:59 UTC 0。
  • If your spending exceeds the limit you set, it will result in a payment failure. You can avoid this situation by increasing your daily limit through re-setting. 如果您的消费超过您设置的限额,将导致付款失败。您可以通过重置来增加每日限额来避免这种情况。

Using the Infini Card 使用 Infini 卡

Please note that the Infini Card is a prepaid debit card and does not have overdraft capabilities. When you make a purchase, please ensure that you have sufficient balance in your Infini account. 请注意,Infini 卡是预付借记卡,没有透支功能。当您进行购买时,请确保您的 Infini 帐户中有足够的余额。
  1. For security reasons, the card information will be hidden. In order to view the card's details, such as CVV, expiration date, and number, you must click the 'View Detail' button. 出于安全原因,卡信息将被隐藏。要查看卡的详细信息,例如 CVV、到期日期和号码,您必须单击“查看详细信息”按钮。
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  1. After clicking the button, you will need to enter the email verification code or the authenticator code. Once you receive the card details, you can freely use the card for online payments or add it to other payment tools. 点击按钮后,您需要输入电子邮件验证码或身份验证码。收到卡详细信息后,您可以自由使用该卡进行在线支付或将其添加到其他支付工具中。
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  1. When making payments with the Infini Card, the payment amount will be directly deducted from your Infini account balance. You can view the billing details in the 'All' and 'Consumption' sections of the Account page. 使用 Infini 卡付款时,付款金额将直接从您的 Infini 账户余额中扣除。您可以在 Account (账户) 页面的 “All” (全部) 和 “Consumption” (消耗) 部分中查看账单详细信息。
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Adding your Infini Card to WeChat Pay  将您的 Infini 卡添加到 WeChat Pay

  1. Open the WeChat app on your mobile device, go to 'Me,' then click on 'Pay and Services' to access 'Wallet. 在您的移动设备上打开微信应用程序,转到“我”,然后单击“支付和服务”以访问“钱包”。
  1. Go to 'Bank Cards' and click on 'Add a Bank Card. '转到“银行卡”,然后单击“添加银行卡”。
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  1. In the 'Add by entering card number' option, enter your Infini Card number and card information. 在“通过输入卡号添加”选项中,输入您的 Infini 卡号和卡信息。
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  1. After accepting the terms and confirming the addition of the card, the Infini Card will be successfully added to WeChat Pay. 接受条款并确认卡的添加后,Infini 卡将成功添加到微信支付中。
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Adding your Infini Card to Alipay  将您的 Infini 卡添加到支付宝

  1. Open the Alipay app on your phone, tap 'Mine' then 'Bank Account / Credit Card'. 打开手机上的支付宝应用程序,点击“我的”,然后点击“银行账户/信用卡”。
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  1. Tap the 'Add' button in the top right corner and enter your Infini Card information. 点击右上角的“添加”按钮,然后输入您的 Infini 卡信息。
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  1. After entering the information, you can add your Infini Card to Alipay. 输入信息后,您可以将您的 Infini 卡添加到支付宝。
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Unlock Infini Card in Alipay/WeChat Pay  在支付宝/微信支付中解锁 Infini 卡

  1. Alipay/WeChat Pay may lock your Infini Card due to policy reasons and require you to provide a picture containing the card information to apply for unlocking. 支付宝/微信支付可能会因政策原因锁定您的无限卡,并要求您提供包含卡信息的图片以申请解锁。
  1. Please check your card information on the Infini official website. 请在 Infini 官方网站上查看您的卡信息。
  1. Use a screenshot tool to capture the image according to the example shown below. 根据下面显示的示例,使用屏幕截图工具捕获图像。
  1. Please note that in the screenshot, you need to display the first six digits and the last four digits of the card number, along with the cardholder's name. Please make sure to mask other information, especially the CVV code, to avoid unnecessary security risks. 请注意,在屏幕截图中,您需要显示卡号的前六位数字和后四位数字,以及持卡人的姓名。请务必屏蔽其他信息,尤其是 CVV 代码,以避免不必要的安全风险。
  1. After taking the screenshot using the method above, upload the image to the Alipay/WeChat Pay unlocking application, and in the remarks, input in Chinese '这是海外虚拟卡' (This is a foreign virtual card). After applying for unlocking, it usually gets successfully unlocked within a few hours. 使用上述方法截图后,将图片上传到支付宝/微信支付解锁应用程序,并在备注中输入中文“这是海外虚拟卡”(这是国外的虚拟卡)。申请解锁后,通常会在几个小时内成功解锁。
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Due to changes in the policies of Alipay/WeChat Pay or if your Alipay/WeChat Pay account has previously triggered other risk control rules, Alipay/WeChat Pay may require you to provide additional verification materials (such as identification) when unlocking your card. Please provide the relevant materials as requested by Alipay/WeChat Pay. 由于支付宝/微信支付政策的变化,或者您的支付宝/微信支付账号之前曾触发过其他风控规则,支付宝/微信支付可能会要求您在开卡时提供额外的验证材料(如身份证明)。请根据支付宝/微信支付要求提供相关材料。

Adding your Infini Card to Apple Pay  将您的 Infini 卡添加到 Apple Pay

Please note that currently only the Infini Woof Card supports Apple Pay.请注意,目前只有 Infini Woof 卡支持 Apple Pay。
  1. Open the 'Wallet' app in your iOS device and tap the '+' button in the top right corner. 在您的 iOS 设备中打开“钱包”应用程序,然后点击右上角的“+”按钮。
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  1. Select Add 'Debit or Credit Card'.选择添加“借记卡或信用卡”。
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  1. On the bank selection page, choose 'Add a Different Card', Then click the 'Scan or Add Card' button.在银行选择页面上,选择“添加其他卡”,然后单击“扫描或添加卡”按钮。
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  1. Click 'Enter Card Details Manually' and enter your Infini Card information.点击“手动输入卡详细信息”并输入您的 Infini 卡信息。
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  1. Apple Pay will require you to verify your card. You need to use the phone number you provided when applying for the Infini Card to receive the verification code. Once you enter it, your card will be successfully added to Apple Pay.Apple Pay 将要求您验证您的卡。您需要使用申请 Infini 卡时提供的电话号码来接收验证码。输入后,您的卡将成功添加到 Apple Pay。

Adding your Infini Card to Google Pay  将您的 Infini 卡加入 Google Pay

Please note that currently only the Infini Woof Card supports Google Pay.请注意,目前只有 Infini Woof 卡支持 Google Pay。
  1. Open the Google Wallet app on your Android device and tap the 'Add a card' button.在您的 Android 设备上打开 Google 钱包应用程序,然后点击“添加卡”按钮。
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  1. Click 'New credit or debit card,' then tap the 'Enter details manually' button.点击“新信用卡或借记卡”,然后点击“手动输入详细信息”按钮。
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  1. Fill in your Infini Card information and click the 'Save and continue' button.填写您的 Infini 卡信息,然后单击“保存并继续”按钮。
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  1. Read the Issuer Terms and click the 'Accept' button, your Infini Card will be successfully added to Google Pay.阅读发卡行条款并点击“接受”按钮,您的 Infini 卡将成功加入 Google Pay。
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Add the Infini PWA App to your mobile home screen 

将 Infini PWA 应用程序添加到您的移动主屏幕

Safari (iOS) Safari 浏览器 (iOS)

  1. Open the Safari browser on your iOS mobile device.在 iOS 移动设备上打开 Safari 浏览器。
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  1. Visit infini.money in your browser, click the 'Launch App' button in the top right corner, and then log in to your Infini account.在浏览器中访问 infini.money,单击右上角的“启动应用程序”按钮,然后登录您的 Infini 帐户。
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  1. After logging in, click the 'Options' button in the center at the bottom of the browser.登录后,点击浏览器底部中央的“选项”按钮。
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  1. In the options menu, click the 'Add to Home Screen' button to add the Infini PWA app to your phone. You can find the app on your mobile screen.在选项菜单中,单击“添加到主屏幕”按钮,将 Infini PWA 应用程序添加到您的手机。您可以在移动屏幕上找到该应用程序。
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Chrome (iOS, Android) Chrome(iOS、Android)

  1. Open the Chrome browser on your iOS mobile device.在您的 iOS 移动设备上打开 Chrome 浏览器。
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  1. Follow the same steps as with Safari to access the Infini website and log in to your account, then click the 'Options' button on the right side of the address bar.按照与 Safari 相同的步骤访问 Infini 网站并登录您的帐户,然后单击地址栏右侧的“选项”按钮。
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  1. In the options menu, click the 'Add to Home Screen' button to add the Infini PWA app to your phone. You can find the app on your mobile screen.在选项菜单中,单击“添加到主屏幕”按钮,将 Infini PWA 应用程序添加到您的手机。您可以在移动屏幕上找到该应用程序。
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Invitation Rewards 邀请奖励

Inviters can receive up to three types of rewards from Infini邀请者最多可以从 Infini 获得三种类型的奖励

  • The Card Activation Reward and cashback Reward below currently apply only to the Infini Meow card and Rabbit Card.以下卡激活奖励和返现奖励目前仅适用于 Infini Meow 卡和 Rabbit 卡。

A: Card Activation RewardA: 卡激活奖励

  1. Infini grants card activation fee rebates to users who invite others, based on the number of those invited users who activate their cards.Infini 根据激活其卡的受邀用户数量,向邀请其他人的用户提供卡激活费回扣。
  1. Meanwhile, those invited receive a $3.3 discount on their card activation fee.同时,受邀者可获得 3.3 美元的卡激活费折扣。
  1. As soon as an invited user activates their card, the invitation is registered on behalf of the inviter, who then receives a rebate.一旦受邀用户激活了他们的卡,邀请就会代表邀请者注册,然后邀请者会收到返利。
  1. The rebate ratio is determined by the number of valid invitations and is divided into different categories. Please see the table below.返佣比例由有效邀请的数量决定,并分为不同的类别。请参阅下表。
  1. The rebate is calculated based on the discounted card activation fee, with all calculations and settlements processed daily. For example, if the discounted fee is $6.6, the rebate will be calculated on that amount.返利根据折扣后的卡激活费计算,所有计算和结算每天处理。例如,如果折扣费用为 $6.6,则返点将按该金额计算。
Tiers  第三
Number of Invitees  被邀请人数量
Card activation fee rebate ratio卡激活费回扣率
Example:  示例
  • Helen has invited 9 people to activate the Infini Card, resulting in a 10% rebate.Helen 邀请了 9 人激活 Infini Card,从而获得 10% 的返利。
  • Once Helen’s 10th invitee activates their card, the rebate rises to 15% for all invitations from 10 to 29.一旦 Helen 的第 10 位受邀者激活他们的卡,所有邀请的回扣将从 10 到 29 个的回扣上升到 15%。

The invitee enjoys a discount on the card activation fee.被邀请人可享受卡激活费折扣。

Card type  卡类型
Activation fee  激活费
Discount  折扣
Activation fee after discount折扣后的激活费
Infini Meow Card  Infini Meow 卡

B: Reward from Earn B:赚取奖励

  1. The inviter’s rebate level is determined by the total deposits made by their invitees.邀请人的返利水平由其被邀请人的总存款决定。
  1. This rebate is drawn from the yield generated by the invitees’ balances within Infini.此返利是从受邀者在 Infini 内的余额产生的收益中提取的。
  1. A portion of these yield earnings is retained as Infini’s protocol revenue, from which rebates are distributed according to the proportions shown in the table below.这些收益的一部分保留为 Infini 的协议收入,其返利根据下表所示的比例分配。
  1. Rebates are calculated and settled on a daily basis.返利每天计算和结算。
Deposit amount  存款金额
Yield rebate ratio  收益率回扣率

C: Cashback Reward C: 现金返还奖励

  1. Infini applies a 1% commission fee to each payment transaction.Infini 对每笔付款交易收取 1% 的佣金。
  1. From this commission, 10% is rewarded to the inviter whenever their invitees make a purchase.每当被邀请者进行购买时,邀请人都会从这笔佣金中获得 10% 的奖励。
  1. Currently, there is only one rebate tier for the commission fee, calculated and settled daily.目前,佣金只有一个返佣等级,每天计算和结算。
  1. If a transaction is refunded, Infini returns the commission fee, and the corresponding rebate is deducted from the inviter’s next settlement.如果交易退款,Infini 退还佣金,相应的返佣将从邀请人的下一次结算中扣除。

🧧Red Packet system 红包系统

Description 描述

Infini’s Red Packet feature lets you share funds in a fun, random way with your friends. Simply set a total amount of funds and a quantity of packets to send out, and the recipients you choose will each receive a random portion.It also ties into Infini’s referral program, making it easy to bring new users on board with dedicated QR codes or links, while rewarding the creator. Infini 的 Red Packet 功能可让您以有趣、随机的方式与朋友分享资金。只需设置要发送的资金总额和数据包数量,您选择的收件人将分别收到随机部分。它还与 Infini 的推荐计划相关联,可以轻松地使用专用的二维码或链接吸引新用户,同时奖励创作者。
  1. Infini’s red packet feature allows users to create and share red packets with others. If a recipient is not an Infini user yet, you can still share a packet with them, and they will have a chance to open an account with perks. (See point 9 below.)Infini 的红包功能允许用户创建红包并与他人共享。如果接收者还不是 Infini 用户,您仍然可以与他们共享数据包,他们将有机会开设一个有特权的帐户。(见下文第 9 点。
  1. Each red packet can be customized by setting the quantity and amount, then shared via images or links.每个红包都可以通过设置数量和数量来自定义,然后通过图片或链接分享。
  1. When a red packet is created, its total amount is deducted from the creator’s Infini account.当红包被创建时,其总金额将从创建者的 Infini 账户中扣除。
  1. Recipients receive random allocations credited directly to their Infini accounts. This means that if you create a 100 USD red packet and share it with 10 users, they will not each get 10 USD. Rather, each will receive a random share. (It's more fun!)收件人会收到直接记入其 Infini 账户的随机分配。这意味着,如果您创建一个 100 美元的红包并与 10 个用户分享,他们不会每人获得 10 美元。相反,每个人都将获得随机份额。(更有趣!
  1. The sum of all random allocations equals the original amount set for the red packet.所有随机分配的总和等于为红包设置的原始金额。
  1. Any unclaimed funds are returned to the creator’s account after 48 hours.任何无人认领的资金将在 48 小时后退回到创建者的账户。
  1. Funds received from red packets can only be used for payments; they cannot be withdrawn or used to generate yields.从红包收到的资金只能用于支付;它们不能提取或用于产生收益。
  1. Assuming a user receives a red packet but does not have an Infini account yet, he/she can register through the red packet link and will automatically become the creator’s invitee.假设用户收到了红包,但还没有 Infini 账号,他/她可以通过红包链接注册,并自动成为创作者的被邀请人。
  1. If a recipient already has an Infini account, they will not become the creator’s invitee.如果接收者已经拥有 Infini 账户,他们将不会成为创建者的受邀者。
Minimum Quantity  最小数量
Maximum Quantity  最大数量
Maximum Amount when creating a red packet创建红包时的最大数量

Create Red Packet 创建红包

  1. Click Red Packet on the Infini webpage to access the red packet feature.单击 Infini 网页上的红包以访问红包功能。
  1. Select Send Red Packet to begin creating one.选择 Send Red Packet (发送红包) 开始创建一个。
  1. Specify how many red packets to distribute under Quantity, and enter the total dollar amount in Total.在 Quantity (数量) 下指定要分发的红包数量,然后在 Total (总计) 中输入总美元金额。
  1. Add a greeting message and enter the verification code to finalize creation.添加问候消息并输入验证码以完成创建。
  1. Once created, share the red packet via its QR-coded image or a direct link.创建后,通过其二维码图像或直接链接分享红包。
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Example: 例:

  1. If Peter creates a red packet with a quantity of 10 and a total of $200, that $200 will be distributed randomly among the 10 recipients, with each recipient receiving a random amount.如果 Peter 创建了一个数量为 10 且总金额为 200 美元的红包,则该 200 美元将随机分配给 10 个收件人,每个收件人收到一个随机金额。
  1. If, after 48 hours, only part of the $200 has been claimed, any unclaimed funds will be returned to Peter’s account. (In this example, the total amount given to recipients can never exceed $200.)如果 48 小时后,只有 200 美元的一部分被领取,则任何未领取的资金都将退还到 Peter 的账户。(在此示例中,提供给收件人的总金额不得超过 200 USD。
  1. If recipients haven’t registered for Infini, they can do so via Peter’s red packet link. Once registered, they become Peter’s invitees in the Infini referral program, which earns him ongoing referral rewards.如果收件人尚未注册 Infini,他们可以通过 Peter 的红包链接进行注册。注册后,他们将成为 Peter 在 Infini 推荐计划中的受邀者,从而为他赢得持续的推荐奖励。
For more information about referral rewards, please refer to this document. 有关推荐奖励的更多信息,请参阅此文档

Special Notes 特别说明

The following applies to newly registered users receiving red packets, or existing users who haven't made deposits or activated their cards:以下适用于收到红包的新注册用户,或尚未存款或激活卡的现有用户:
  1. Within 48 hours of receiving a red packet, users must activate their Infini Card and make at least a $1 purchase.在收到红包后的 48 小时内,用户必须激活他们的 Infini 卡并至少购买 1 美元。
  1. Alternatively, within 48 hours, users must deposit at least $1 through blockchain deposits or Infini transfer function.或者,在 48 小时内,用户必须通过区块链存款或 Infini 转账功能存入至少 1 美元。
After 48 hours of receiving the red packet, if either condition 1 or 2 is met, the user will be considered activated. The amount obtained from the red packet can be retained, and no further need to meet conditions 1 and 2 for future red packet claims.收到红包后 48 小时后,如果满足条件 1 或 2,则视为用户已激活。从红包中获得的金额可以保留,并且无需再满足条件 1 和 2 来领取红包。
Newly registered users or users without deposits or card activation who do not meet conditions 1 and 2 within 48 hours, the red packet amount will be returned to the creator.新注册用户或未充值、未开卡的用户,48 小时内未满足条件 1 和 2,红包金额将退还给创建者。
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