发布于: 2024-10-28最后更新: 2024-11-30字数 2896阅读时长 8 分钟

Make With Notion带来了Forms(表单)、Layouts(布局)、Automations(自动化)、Marketplace(模板市场)和Notion Mail(邮箱)
Make With Notion带来了Forms(表单)、Layouts(布局)、Automations(自动化)、Marketplace(模板市场)和Notion Mail(邮箱)
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Introducing a Preview of Notion Mail推出 Notion Mail 预览版

The way we work has evolved, but one of our most-used tools—email—hasn’t kept pace. For decades, it’s remained a cluttered mix of work emails, party invites, and an endless deluge of spam. Worse: today’s inbox is one size fits all.我们的工作方式已经发生了变化,但我们最常用的工具之一 - 电子邮件 - 并没有跟上步伐。几十年来,它一直是工作电子邮件、派对邀请和无休止的垃圾邮件的杂乱组合。更糟糕的是:今天的收件箱是一刀切的。
Instead of wading through a storm surge of messages, email should feel like a trusty rudder that helps you navigate the currents of work—job applications, project updates, upcoming meetings.与其在邮件的风暴中跋涉,不如让电子邮件感觉像一个值得信赖的方向舵,帮助您驾驭工作流程 — 工作申请、项目更新、即将召开的会议。
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Enter Notion Mail. It’s email, reimagined—fully customizable, with AI built in to take care of all the back-and-forth for you. Perhaps the most refreshing feature are new “views” that let you customize your inbox to your workflows, just like the rest of Notion. So if, say, you’re trying to hire someone, Notion Mail automatically clusters those emails into “recruiting” and reserves another “view” for project updates and customer support.输入 Notion Mail。它是经过重新设计的电子邮件 - 完全可自定义,内置 AI 来为您处理所有来回操作。也许最令人耳目一新的功能是新的 “视图”,它允许您根据自己的工作流程自定义收件箱,就像 Notion 的其余部分一样。因此,如果你正在尝试招聘某人,Notion Mail 会自动将这些电子邮件归类到 “招聘” 中,并为项目更新和客户支持保留另一个 “视图”。
Sign up now to join the waitlist and get early access to Notion Mail.立即注册以加入候补名单并抢先体验 Notion Mail。

New ways to build

Notion is made up of building blocks—think LEGO, but for software. Instead of designing a rigid app that’s not fit for purpose, we want to give you the tools to create what you need.Notion 由构建块组成 - 想想乐高,但用于软件。我们不是设计一个不适合目的的僵化应用程序,而是希望为您提供创建所需工具的工具。
Today we released two new blocks that bring everything you need into Notion and allow you to make it beautiful: Forms and layouts.今天,我们发布了两个新块,它们将您需要的一切引入 Notion 并让您让它变得漂亮:表单布局。
Forms 形式
Notion is the best place to organize your information and share it with others. But collecting that information with a form requires you to purchase a separate tool (and then manually cut and paste or transfer information back into Notion).Notion 是组织您的信息并与他人共享的最佳场所。但是,使用表单收集该信息需要您购买单独的工具(然后手动剪切和粘贴信息或将信息传输回 Notion)。
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We set out to build a better experience, building forms right into Notion. Now, it’s easy to build and share a form to collect the information you need. Responses are added into a database, where you can filter, sort, analyze, and take action—all in one place.我们着手打造更好的体验,将表单直接构建到 Notion 中。现在,可以轻松构建和共享表单来收集所需的信息。响应将添加到数据库中,您可以在其中进行筛选、排序、分析和执行操作 - 所有这些都在一个位置完成。
Need to collect RSVPs for your next party? How about user feedback for a new product? Simply build a form, share it with the world, and let the data come to you.需要为您的下一次聚会收集 RSVP?用户对新产品的反馈怎么样?只需构建一个表单,与全世界分享,然后让数据来找你。
You can use databases in Notion for anything: track upcoming social media posts, monitor product feedback, or create a trove of your favorite recipes. But the way you use a social media calendar is very different than how you use a cookbook.您可以将 Notion 中的数据库用于任何事情:跟踪即将到来的社交媒体帖子、监控产品反馈或创建您最喜欢的食谱宝库。但是,您使用社交媒体日历的方式与使用 cookbook 的方式大不相同。
So we had a thought: What if we made the whole page flexible?所以我们有一个想法:如果我们让整个页面变得灵活呢?
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Now with layouts, you can create the page that’s best suited for all the ways you use Notion. Build unique layouts for your recipes, social posts, product feedback—really anything.现在有了布局,您可以创建最适合您使用 Notion 的所有方式的页面。为您的食谱、社交帖子、产品反馈构建独特的布局 - 真的是任何东西。
Try out a new layout now. Simply click ••• on your page, then Customize layout to get started.立即试用新布局。只需单击页面上的 •••,然后单击 Customize layout(自定义布局)即可开始使用。

New ways to work

Now that you have more ways to make your pages useful and beautiful, let’s make sure you don’t waste your time on routine, repetitive tasks. We’ve upgraded automations and Notion AI to help you get your work done faster than ever.既然您有更多方法可以使您的页面有用和美观,那么让我们确保您不会将时间浪费在日常、重复的任务上。我们升级了自动化和 Notion AI,以帮助您以前所未有的速度完成工作。
Automations 自动化
Think of automations as your building superpower—you can automate tasks, notify someone that an action has been taken, and make sure no crucial steps are missed in your workflows.将自动化视为您的建筑超能力 — 您可以自动执行任务,通知某人已采取操作,并确保工作流程中不会遗漏任何关键步骤。
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We’ve gradually been adding more automations into Notion over the last year, and we’re excited to bring two big improvements that spice things up. First, you can now automate emails to send via Gmail about any database change, like to update your manager when your project’s status changes. Second, you can now also use formulas in databases and buttons that can complete steps in the background when you trigger an action.在过去的一年里,我们逐渐在 Notion 中添加了更多的自动化功能,我们很高兴能带来两项重大改进,让事情变得有趣。首先,您现在可以自动通过 Gmail 发送有关任何数据库更改的电子邮件,例如在项目状态发生变化时更新您的经理。其次,您现在还可以使用数据库中的公式和按钮,这些公式可以在您触发操作时在后台完成步骤。
Here are a few of my favorite examples of what formula automations can do:以下是我最喜欢的一些公式自动化功能示例:
  • Triage assignment: Assign a task to the right person based on the team tagged in the bug report.分流分配: 根据 bug 报告中标记的团队,将任务分配给合适的人员。
  • Track company goals: Mark a company-wide goal as At Risk when a project is updated to Delayed.跟踪公司目标: 当项目更新为 Delayed (延迟) 时,将公司范围的目标标记为 At Risk (有风险)。
  • Personalize follow ups: Customize your automated messages for ticket resolutions and calculate how long it took for the ticket to be resolved from the date submitted.个性化跟进: 自定义工单解决的自动消息,并计算从提交之日起解决工单所花费的时间。
Notion AI
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Notice the friendly face with the wavy eyebrows in the bottom corner of your screen? That’s the new Notion AI. Able to search Slack, Google Drive, and Notion docs, generate and edit content, analyze PDFs and images, and chat using real-world knowledge, it’s a highly capable personal assistant that understands you and your work.注意到屏幕下角那张带有波浪形眉毛的友好面孔了吗?这就是新的 Notion AI。它能够搜索 Slack、Google Drive 和 Notion 文档,生成和编辑内容,分析 PDF 和图像,并使用现实世界的知识进行聊天,它是一个功能强大的个人助理,可以了解您和您的工作。
We’re now adding new Notion AI connectors to make it even easier to sync with the tools you already use. And soon, Notion AI will be able to search and create within databases—a huge efficiency unlock.我们现在正在添加新的 Notion AI 连接器,以便更轻松地与您已经使用的工具同步。很快,Notion AI 将能够在数据库中进行搜索和创建,从而大幅提升效率。

New ways to share with Marketplace与 Marketplace 共享的新方式

We’re consistently blown away by the Notion community. The beautiful workspaces and use cases that you all have come up with have blown our minds. Over the last year, we’ve added features like creator profiles and Notion Sites to make it simpler for users and creators to share the incredible things they’ve built.我们一直被 Notion 社区所震撼。你们想出的漂亮的工作空间和用例让我们大吃一惊。在过去的一年里,我们添加了创作者个人资料和 Notion Sites 等功能,使用户和创作者可以更轻松地分享他们构建的令人难以置信的内容。
That vision takes its biggest step forward with the launch of Marketplace, our redesigned home for templates.随着 Marketplace 的推出,这一愿景向前迈出了最大的一步,Marketplace 是我们重新设计的模板主页。
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Creators now have more control and better insights with features like native payments, analytics, and safeguards to protect their work. And template users can now see reviews and ratings, track purchases, and get refunds in a more streamlined, secure process.创作者现在可以通过原生支付、分析和保护措施来保护他们的作品,从而获得更多控制权和更好的洞察。模板用户现在可以查看评论和评级、跟踪购买情况,并以更简化、更安全的流程获得退款。
There are templates loaded up with all of the new features we’ve just released in Marketplace today. And if you want to become a creator, there has never been a better time—people are building 7-figure businesses on Notion templates alone!其中的模板加载了我们今天刚刚在 Marketplace 中发布的所有新功能。如果您想成为一名创作者,现在是最好的时机——人们仅在 Notion 模板上就建立了 7 位数的业务!

Building now and for the future为现在和未来而构建

You know that feeling when you find the perfect tool that just gets how you work? That’s what we’re after with these latest updates. Notion’s mission is to help you build beautiful tools for your life’s work—whatever your version of work or life may be!当您找到满足您工作方式的完美工具时,您知道那种感觉吗?这就是我们这些最新更新所追求的。Notion 的使命是帮助您为您的毕生事业构建精美的工具——无论您的工作或生活是什么!

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