发布于: 2024-10-15最后更新: 2024-10-15字数 00 分钟

当前 X 系列系列中最轻的型号,专为移动内容创作者设计的新相机 FUJIFILM X-M5 无反数码相机拥有实现这一愿景所需的一切。小巧轻便,具有强大的照片和视频功能,是记录日常生活的完美伴侣。
当前 X 系列系列中最轻的型号,专为移动内容创作者设计的新相机 FUJIFILM X-M5 无反数码相机拥有实现这一愿景所需的一切。小巧轻便,具有强大的照片和视频功能,是记录日常生活的完美伴侣。
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Color Your Moment 为您的时刻增添色彩

Every day is different. The weather, the light, the way you feel – each offers a chance to view the world in a new way.每一天都是不同的。天气、光线、您的感受 - 每一项都提供了以新方式看待世界的机会。
FUJIFILM X-M5 mirrorless digital camera has everything you need to bring that vision to life. Compact, lightweight, and with powerful photo and video functions, it’s the perfect companion to record everyday life.FUJIFILM X-M5 无反数码相机拥有实现这一愿景所需的一切。小巧轻便,具有强大的照片和视频功能,是记录日常生活的完美伴侣。
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October 14, 2024 – FUJIFILM North America Corporation, Electronic Imaging Division, today announces the launch of the latest mirrorless digital camera in its X Series lineup - FUJIFILM X-M5 (X-M5). X-M5 is designed to appeal to emerging content creators that want to use one lightweight and powerful device to make both still and moving imagery. The out of the box usability and intuitive controls provide the solutions this group actively seeks in a content creation tool.
2024 年 10 月 14 日 – 富士胶片北美公司电子成像部门今天宣布推出其 X 系列系列中最新的无反数码相机 - 富士 X-M5 (X-M5)。X-M5 旨在吸引希望使用一款轻量级且功能强大的设备来制作静态和动态图像的新兴内容创作者。开箱即用的可用性和直观的控件为该团队在内容创建工具中积极寻求的解决方案提供了解决方案。
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“X-M5 is a tool for the ‘camera curious’,” said Victor Ha, vice president, Electronic Imaging and Optical Devices Divisions, FUJIFILM North America Corporation. “Its intuitive video functions, Film Simulation Mode Dial, and vari-angle touchscreen LCD comprise a great setup for anyone new to photography or video creation, or even for a seasoned creator who needs a lightweight kit to create on the move.”
“X-M5 是适合'相机好奇心'的工具,”FUJIFILM North America Corporation 电子成像和光学设备部门副总裁 Victor Ha 说。“其直观的视频功能、胶片模拟模式转盘和可变角度触摸屏 LCD 为摄影或视频创作的新手提供了绝佳的设置,甚至是需要轻便套件在移动中创作的经验丰富的创作者。”
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FUJIFILM X-M5 的紧凑尺寸并没有影响其优雅的造型。顶板上对称放置的表盘增强了它的美感。它无疑是一款 X 系列相机,无论是外观还是性能。


借助FUJIFILM X-M5数码相机独特的胶片模拟模式拨盘,立即访问您自己的创意外观。X-M5 的胶片模拟模式提供多达 20 种外观,可应用于照片和视频,为您的输出提供难以置信的灵活性。
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High-Quality Recording 高质量录制

FUJIFILM X-M5 supports in-camera card recording to your SD card at 6.2K/30p 4:2:2 10-bit, as well ashigh-quality, 4K/60p and 1080/240p video recording in aFUJIFILM X-M5 支持以 6.2K/30p 4:2:2 10 位的相机内卡录制到 SD 卡,以及高质量 4K/60p 和 1080/240p 视频录制。compact and lightweight body.紧凑轻便的机身。
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Film Simulation 胶片模拟

The 20 Film Simulation modes offered by FUJIFILM X-M5, including REALA ACE mode, harness 90 years of Fujifilm color science. Learn more.FUJIFILM X-M5 提供的 20 种胶片模拟模式,包括 REALA ACE 模式,利用了 Fujifilm 90 年的色彩科学。了解更多
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FUJIFILM X-M5 使用强大的数字图像稳定器来对抗相机抖动,从而获得流畅、专业的镜头。无论您是站着不动还是移动以跟上某个主题,它都是有效的。
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FUJIFILM X-M5 是第一款具有三个内置麦克风的 X 系列型号,可提供最高质量的音频。四种不同的音频模式可供选择:环绕、前优先、后优先或前后优先,让您可以从任何方向灵活地获得清晰的声音。


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Main Features: 主要特点:
Compact and Lightweight Body and Product Design紧凑轻巧的机身和产品设计
  • X-M5 weighs approximately 13 ounces (355g)[1] and measures approximately 4.7 inches (111.9mm) in width, 2.6 inches (66.6mm) in height, and 1.5 inches (38 mm) in depth. The lightweight and compact body -- the lightest in Fujifilm’s current X Series mirrorless digital camera lineup -- makes X-M5 a natural everyday camera.
    • X-M5 重约 13 盎司(355 克)[1],宽约 4.7 英寸(111.9 毫米),高约 2.6 英寸(66.6 毫米),深约 1.5 英寸(38 毫米)。轻巧紧凑的机身 - 富士胶片当前 X 系列无反光镜数码相机系列中最轻的一款 - 使 X-M5 成为自然的日常相机。
  • X-M5 features include symmetrically placed dials on the top of the camera and availability in both silver and black varieties.
    • X-M5 的功能包括对称放置在相机顶部的拨盘以及银色和黑色两种版本。
  • Fujifilm’s proprietary Film Simulation Mode Dial is conveniently placed on the left top of X-M5. The camera features a total of 20 Film Simulations, with the eight most popular selections featured directly on the dial, and spaces also reserved for 3 additional favorites as programmed by the user. Users can easily select between these built-in Film Simulation creative modes, making it easier to enjoy a variety of color tones in both still and moving images, all reminiscent of the classic looks of analog film.
    • Fujifilm 专有的胶片模拟模式拨盘方便地放置在 X-M5 的左上方。该相机共有 20 种胶片模拟功能,其中 8 种最受欢迎的选项直接显示在表盘上,并且还根据用户编程为 3 个额外的收藏夹预留了空间。用户可以在这些内置的胶片模拟创意模式之间轻松选择,从而更轻松地在静态和动态图像中享受各种色调,所有这些都让人想起模拟胶片的经典外观。
  • Like other Fujifilm cameras in the X Series lineup, X-M5’s mode dial includes AUTO mode, in which the camera automatically recognizes and applies the optimal settings for the scene, allowing even first-time digital camera users to easily create high-quality stills and videos.
    • 与 X 系列中的其他 Fujifilm 相机一样,X-M5 的模式拨盘包括 AUTO 模式,在该模式下,相机会自动识别并应用场景的最佳设置,即使是初次使用数码相机的用户也可以轻松创建高质量的静止图像和视频。
High-performance sensor and high-speed image processing engine align to achieve high- image quality and high-performance autofocus (AF)高性能传感器和高速图像处理引擎相结合,可实现高图像质量和高性能自动对焦 (AF)
  • X-M5 is equipped with the back-illuminated "X-Trans™ CMOS 4" sensor[2] with approximately 26.1 megapixels and the latest high-speed image processing engine "X-Processor 5". This combination allows for high-image quality photography with low power consumption.
    • X-M5 配备了约 26.1 MP 的背照式“X-Trans™ CMOS 4”传感器[2]和最新的高速图像处理引擎“X-Processor 5”。这种组合可实现高图像质量和低功耗的摄影。
  • The camera features the subject detection autofocus, developed with artificial intelligence (AI) technology, in addition to the existing Face / Eye AF. AI is used to add the ability to detect animals, birds, cars, motorcycles, bicycles, airplanes, trains, insects and drones[3].
    • 除了现有的面部/眼部自动对焦外,该相机还具有采用人工智能 (AI) 技术开发的被摄体检测自动对焦功能。AI 用于增加检测动物、鸟类、汽车、摩托车、自行车、飞机、火车、昆虫和无人机的能力[3]。
  • The latest AF predictive algorithm provides high tracking performance for moving subjects and high precision AF in low-contrast environments.
    • 最新的 AF 预测算法为移动的被摄体提供高跟踪性能,并在低对比度环境中提供高精度 AF。
6.2K/30P video recording and other extensive video functions6.2K/30P 视频录制和其他广泛的视频功能
  • X-M5 can record up to 6.2K/30P 4:2:2 10-bit open gate video onto an SD card and supports extensive video functions including 4K/60P and 1080/240P capability.
    • X-M5 可以将高达 6.2K/30P 4:2:2 10 位门开的视频录制到 SD 卡上,并支持广泛的视频功能,包括 4K/60P 和 1080/240P 功能。
  • The camera is equipped with powerful digital image stabilization, effective not only for minor camera shake but also for the movement that occurs when creating video while walking.
    • 该相机配备了强大的数字图像稳定功能,不仅对轻微的相机抖动有效,而且对边走边创建视频时发生的移动也有效。
  • For the first time in Fujifilm’s digital camera lineup, three built-in microphones are included in X-M5. Users can choose from four microphone configuration options: surround, front, back, or front and back, depending on the situation. The camera is also the first X Series camera to feature a steady-state noise reduction function, which reduces noise that continues to ring at a certain frequency, such as air conditioning noise.
    • 在 Fujifilm 的数码相机系列中,X-M5 首次包含三个内置麦克风。用户可以根据情况从四个麦克风配置选项中进行选择:环绕声、前、后或前后。该相机也是第一款具有稳态降噪功能的 X 系列相机,该功能可减少以特定频率持续响铃的噪音,例如空调噪音。
  • Vlog mode allows users to change content creation conditions intuitively via selections on the camera’s LCD Screen. Improvements in the number and placement of icons make video recording intuitive. In addition, X-M5’s new "9:16 short movie mode" allows users to create vertical videos, a popular format on various social media networks.
    • Vlog 模式允许用户通过摄像机 LCD 屏幕上的选择直观地更改内容创建条件。图标数量和位置的改进使视频录制更加直观。此外,X-M5 的新“9:16 短片模式”允许用户创建垂直视频,这是各种社交媒体网络上流行的格式。
  • New bit rates of 8 Mbps and 25 Mbps have been added for users to select from the "Media Recording Settings" when creating video content. These options reduce the transfer time to external devices such as smartphones and improve the time required to upload video directly to social media.
    • 添加了 8 Mbps 和 25 Mbps 的新比特率,供用户在创建视频内容时从“媒体录制设置”中进行选择。这些选项减少了传输到外部设备(如智能手机)的时间,并缩短了将视频直接上传到社交媒体所需的时间。
Optional Accessories 可选配件
Cooling Fan "FAN-001"[4] (already on sale - $199.99 USD and $260.00 CAD)散热风扇 “FAN-001”[4] (已发售 - 199.99 美元和 260.00 加元)
This cooling fan can be attached to the rear panel of the camera body without a cable, supporting long creation sessions where the camera is in use for extended periods, and video recording in high temperatures. Power is supplied to the fan from the camera body.该冷却风扇无需电缆即可连接到相机机身的后面板,支持长时间使用相机的长时间创作,以及在高温下录制视频。从相机机身为风扇供电。
Tripod Grip "TG-BT1"[5] (already on sale - $199.99 USD and $270.00 CAD)三脚架手柄 “TG-BT1”[5](已发售 - 199.99 美元和 270.00 加元)
This grip enhances mobility and camera’s hold while adding tripod functionality. Using the tripod grip, users can comfortably take self-portraits and low angle images comfortably in situations that may otherwise be difficult or impossible. As a tripod, TG-BT1 can be used for a wide range of applications from group images to tabletop stills.这款手柄增强了移动性和相机的握持力,同时增加了三脚架功能。使用三脚架手柄,用户可以在可能难以或不可能的情况下舒适地拍摄自拍和低角度图像。作为三脚架,TG-BT1 可用于从集体图像到桌面静止图像的广泛应用。
Pricing and Availability 价格和供货情况
FUJIFILM X-M5 will be available in Silver in November 2024 and in Black in April 2025, at a Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price of $799.95 USD and $1,079.99 CAD.
FUJIFILM X-M5 将于 2024 年 11 月推出银色版,并于 2025 年 4 月推出黑色版,制造商建议零售价为 799.95 美元和 1,079.99 加元。
A kit consisting of FUJIFILM X-M5 and FUJINON XC15-45mmF3.5-5.6 OIS PZ Lens will be available at a Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price of $899.95 USD and $1,199.99 CAD.
由 FUJIFILM X-M5 和 FUJINON XC15-45mmF3.5-5.6 OIS PZ 镜头组成的套件将以 899.95 美元和 1,199.99 加元的制造商建议零售价提供。
有关更多信息,请访问 https://fujifilm-x.com/en-us/products/cameras/x-m5/

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