发布于: 2024-5-18最后更新: 2024-5-18字数 2384阅读时长 6 分钟

“颗粒效果”可能是指模拟传统胶片中颗粒感的效果,它可以增加照片的质感和复古感。 “彩色镀铬效果”可能是一种增强色彩饱和度和对比度的效果,使图像看起来更加鲜艳和生动。 “彩色镀铬 FX 蓝色”可能是一种特定的颜色效果,它可能会在图像中添加一种蓝色的色调或效果,以创造一种特殊的视觉风格。

The ‘Look’ That Wins Your Heart


When we watch a movie, the first thing we notice is the visual aesthetic, even before we connect with the actors or story. This is called the ‘look’ and it differs from movie to movie, often staying with us far longer than the plot or ending. Photographs are the same. Before the subject, composition, point-of-focus or exposure, the thing that captures people’s attention is the ‘look’.

Color Science Inspired by Photographic Film


The ‘look’ is an aesthetic created by a combination of complex elements, including contrast and hue. Film Simulations offer a wide variety of looks, while maintaining an overall consistency.
Introduced in 2004, they harnessed 70 years of knowledge that had been acquired manufacturing photographic film since 1934, when Fujifilm was founded. This history and experience are reflected in the high quality of the Simulations, but rather than simply recreating analog film, Film Simulations inherit the vision of the future we strived for in the analog era. Now, with digital fine-tuning, they have reached their present forms which, like film, offer surprises and opportunities, firing the imaginations of photographers to expand their creativity.
他们于 2004 年推出,利用了自 1934 年富士胶片成立以来在制造胶片方面积累的 70 年知识。这种历史和经验反映在模拟的高质量中,但电影模拟不是简单地再现模拟电影,而是继承了我们在模拟时代所追求的未来愿景。现在,通过数字微调,它们已经达到了现在的形式,就像胶片一样,提供惊喜和机会,激发摄影师的想象力,扩展他们的创造力。
Like dining at a restaurant where an experienced chef carefully oversees the flavors of each dish, Film Simulations allow you to enjoy the results of extensive expertise without deep photographic knowledge.
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The Two Types of Film Simulation


Each Film Simulation is designed using PROVIA as a base standard, and it is easier to understand the similarities and differences among the Simulations by dividing them into two categories.
One is an all-round, versatile type. These Simulations are designed with less individuality, but with priority given to bringing out the natural charm of subjects. Therefore, they exhibit versatile characteristics widely applicable to a variety of scenarios, regardless of the individual tastes of the photographer.
The other is the individualistic, personal type. These looks match the photographer’s emotions, feelings, subject choice, and purpose to highlight and express the subject’s appeal.
Neither type claims to be the right answer. Film Simulations are merely suggestions to help broaden a photographer’s creative palette. Also, unlike replacing photographic film, no money or effort is required to choose between them.
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Functions to Further Enjoy Film Simulation

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© Shohei Sawada  © 泽田翔平

Grain Effect 晶粒效应

Analog film grain was not always welcomed. Grain was considered noise, and there was a desire to make it as invisible as possible – photographers preferred images with fine grain.模拟胶片颗粒并不总是受到欢迎。颗粒被认为是噪点,人们希望使其尽可能不可见——摄影师更喜欢具有细颗粒的图像。
However, with the advent of digital technology, it is now recognized that grain can be beneficial. Since humans have difficulty perceiving texture in things that look too smooth, it is easier to discern changes in tonal gradation and three-dimensionality when grain is present. As one of the main differences in the way film and digital images look may be due to graininess, a technique was developed to add grain to digital images.然而,随着数字技术的出现,现在人们认识到谷物可能是有益的。由于人类很难感知看起来过于光滑的事物的纹理,因此当存在颗粒时,更容易辨别色调渐变和三维度的变化。由于胶片和数字图像外观的主要差异之一可能是由于颗粒感,因此开发了一种为数字图像添加颗粒的技术。
From its initial stages, which featured a constant pattern, the process has evolved to a more random distribution that naturally removes the digital feel. Now, you can choose the intensity and size of the grain pattern according to the degree of magnification and your personal taste. Much like the crackle when playing a vinyl record, when matched well with the scene being photographed, it creates a sense of nostalgia.从具有恒定模式的初始阶段开始,该过程已经演变为更加随机的分布,自然地消除了数字感觉。现在,您可以根据放大程度和个人品味选择颗粒图案的强度和大小。就像播放黑胶唱片时的噼啪声一样,当与拍摄的场景相匹配时,它会产生一种怀旧感。
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© Yukio Uchida  © 内田由纪夫

Color Chrome Effect 彩色镀铬效果

When you use a highly saturated Film Simulation like Velvia to photograph bright subjects with strong colors, details may appear lost. As a result, it can be difficult to perceive tones and textures, resulting in a flat image lacking in subtle texture. At times like these, Color Chrome Effect adds detail while maintaining vibrancy by naturally controlling the brightness. It is especially effective with reds and yellows.当您使用高饱和度的胶片模拟(如Velvia)拍摄色彩强烈的明亮拍摄对象时,细节可能会丢失。因此,可能难以感知色调和纹理,导致平面图像缺乏微妙的纹理。在这种时候,彩色镀铬效果通过自然控制亮度来增加细节,同时保持鲜艳度。它对红色和黄色特别有效。
This effect is most useful for landscapes and nature, but it can also be used for fashion photography involving brightly colored clothing, product photography with artificial and gaudy colors, and other situations where strong colors and texture coexist. In these situations, the effect adds depth.这种效果对风景和自然最有用,但它也可用于涉及色彩鲜艳的服装的时尚摄影、人造和艳丽色彩的产品摄影,以及其他强烈色彩和纹理并存的情况。在这些情况下,效果会增加深度。
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© Shohei Sawada  © 泽田翔平

Color Chrome FX Blue颜色 Chrome FX Blue

Color Chrome FX Blue focuses the effect on the blue of the sky and ocean. Blue skies and oceans that look natural to the naked eye often turn white in photographs due to the direction of the light and transparency of the air. However, a photo taken outdoors on a sunny day should look blue. This effect brings back the blue that would otherwise be lost in a photograph.颜色 Chrome FX Blue 将效果集中在天空和海洋的蓝色上。由于光线的方向和空气的透明度,肉眼看起来很自然的蓝天和海洋在照片中经常变成白色。但是,在阳光明媚的日子里在户外拍摄的照片应该看起来是蓝色的。这种效果带回了原本会在照片中丢失的蓝色。

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